The reason why the word ‘lifestyle’ is used to cover a whole lot of rejected behaviours is its perceived neutrality. When one says, ‘it’s just a lifestyle’ it suggests harmlessness and absence of need for interference as it is ‘just’ a lifestyle; Akin to saying, doing the same thing in a little bit of a different way. oung people are not at the service of lifestyles without a damage to their own very person.
The practice of having realistic plans and goals helps us to remain focused and to grow. Our resources, be it time, money, property, etc. can only be properly managed with clear plans and goals, otherwise they are all at risk of going to waste.
In many African countries and cultures, the biased thinking that a child cannot be brought up to be disciplined without being caned and physically punished is still flourishing. We need to join hands to end torture in children.
Short of appropriate limits, raising young people would become a dangerous “all-join” as Nigerians would say; A situation where everything is allowed, to any extent desired by the parts involved, for any reason, anywhere, and at any time. But this is not how life works.
It is common to hear in the media, news, public addresses, celebrations, etc. that leaders are praised so much. Often times the praises are exaggerated as compared to the performance of these leaders. It is high time we question when all this began and where it is taking us as a people. Why do we entertain it?
When injustice becomes normalized, denial of rights becomes normative as well. Then honouring the people’s due rights becomes a kind of privilege or favour. Gender-based injustice, one of the oldest forms of discrimination, has had serious impacts on the wider society. We need to respond to it as a matter of urgency and with a lot of reasonableness and wit as it touches on people’s cultures.
The elderly, according to the United Nations are among the fastest growing population, even more than that of children from 0 to 5 years of age. According to World Health Organization factsheets, in 2018 it was recorded for the first time in history that people aged 65 and above outnumbered children aged 0 to 5 years. While global healthcare adapts itself to cater for the fast-growing elderly population, society too needs to adapt to the same.
Car-Free Days are days when people do not drive private vehicles to allow cities to be free of congestion and noise and to give people a chance to walk and cycle freely. It is an incentive to cut down emissions which negatively impact health and disrupt ecosystems and the biodiversity of the planet Earth. Rwanda is an examplary country in Africa in this regard.
Gratitude is one of the high-ranked values in human society. All traditions and religious beliefs converge in the acceptance that gratitude is invaluable and indispensable. Gratitude is one of the social values that have a special commemoration day. Globally, World Gratitude Day is celebrated on 21 September every year.
Young people are influenced to be at the forefront of demonstrations, resistance campaigns, armed warfare, violations, purposed injustices, etc. In many situations, those crises would be solved if they do not participate in prolonging them.