As artificial intelligence can aggregate knowledge so well, it is a free opportunity for young people to test the waters in the fields of their aspiration, which they either did not have a chance to explore at all, or did not learn so well in school. AI allows a fair share of this knowledge for free, guaranteeing a transformation of digital literacy and general knowledge of the people after a while, if consistently used and engaged in actual life.

There should be a way of gathering these philosophical ideas by our leaders, whether formally or informally presented, as they are indicative of where we are going as a nation, and probably, the dangerous leaders we should not have. Nation-building is more than corporate management; having a philosophy unites the purpose and refines assignment of priorities for the good of all.

Kwa sasa, haina maana yoyote kukaa na kusimuliana historia ya mambo yaliyotokea nyuma, hasa yale yenye kuleta maumivu ya kijamii, bila kuyatazama kwa mtazamo mpana wenye maono ya mbeleni. Hii ni nadharia nzuri kuitumia katika kuizungumzia historia pana iliyopo nyuma ya pazia la historia ya utumwa.
Historia ya utumwa ni kielelezo dhahiri kwamba bila kujisimamia wenyewe kwa umoja wa nia tunakuwa ni vibaraka wa watu wenye tamaa, ukweli ambao upo wazi hata katika maisha ya kila siku.

Non-violence is a human value, regardless of religious faiths, beliefs, or philosophies. In fact, it sits at the baseline of qualifying values forming the humanness of the human person, which at the same time differentiates human persons from animals. Animals lack a sense of control when their needs are not met and can easily resolve to using force.
It is important that our leaders are trained to take non-violence approaches so as to help address social issues without causing communities and persons pain or make them rethink their sense of belonging. The danger of the latter is them rising up to reclaim by force what they believe is rightfully theirs.

Corruption of the form, purpose and avenue of musical art and poetic artistry is a huge damage to the society as its richness and corrective character is marginalized, and many truths will be left unsaid. Music and poetry can convey messages without directly pointing out the intended recipient, in a way helping to ease the social distresses and communicate the shared feeling of the people.