It is time our education system incorporates some wonderful technological tools that foster student – teacher learning engagement in exciting ways. But this will be really hard to reach if our system remains rigidly tied to heavily demanding curricula and grades as markers of successful teaching and learning. Education is beyond grades! 

Kwa sasa, haina maana yoyote kukaa na kusimuliana historia ya mambo yaliyotokea nyuma, hasa yale yenye kuleta maumivu ya kijamii, bila kuyatazama kwa mtazamo mpana wenye maono ya mbeleni. Hii ni nadharia nzuri kuitumia katika kuizungumzia historia pana iliyopo nyuma ya pazia la historia ya utumwa.
Historia ya utumwa ni kielelezo dhahiri kwamba bila kujisimamia wenyewe kwa umoja wa nia tunakuwa ni vibaraka wa watu wenye tamaa, ukweli ambao upo wazi hata katika maisha ya kila siku.

Non-violence is a human value, regardless of religious faiths, beliefs, or philosophies. In fact, it sits at the baseline of qualifying values forming the humanness of the human person, which at the same time differentiates human persons from animals. Animals lack a sense of control when their needs are not met and can easily resolve to using force.
It is important that our leaders are trained to take non-violence approaches so as to help address social issues without causing communities and persons pain or make them rethink their sense of belonging. The danger of the latter is them rising up to reclaim by force what they believe is rightfully theirs.

Coming from “Africa” is not an excuse for being of poor quality or performing below the expected standards. We are not to feed the media and popular narrative of Africa as a broken place, full of corruption, barbarism and without any potential for growth and progress. Our society does not prepare our young people to be proofs of backwardness and public victims of their history as oppressed people.