All workers are exposed to occupational hazards and dangers in different ways based on the nature and actual situations of their work environment. Each is vulnerable to some possible deadly situations either immediately or in the long run if safety measures are not duly observed. Employers and workers should be held accountable for non-compliance, each for their part, while the government really works to ‘create an enabling environment’ as the policy reads.

At many night parties, especially for weddings, birthdays, and others, children dance to entertain adults. This is not new, however, it has taken a different turn. In the past, it was more of a show choreography where children knew their place and delivered just as is appropriate for decent and respectful entertainment. However, the trouble now is that children are made to dance to indecent songs in indecent manners as they see on the internet and on TV.

Human trafficking happens internationally, across far-apart nations, regionally, across bordering countries, as well as domestically within the respective countries.
he International Day Against Trafficking in Persons which is marked every 30th July is purposed for raising awareness against trafficking, modern slavery, and advocacy for protection of the victims of trafficking.

Traditionally, parents and guardians have moral responsibilities to support, protect, provide for, and correct the children under their care, with the goal of helping them develop healthily into their adulthood. This ideal is still in place, though in practice it lingers delicately, as parenting generally becomes more and more lenient by the day.