As artificial intelligence can aggregate knowledge so well, it is a free opportunity for young people to test the waters in the fields of their aspiration, which they either did not have a chance to explore at all, or did not learn so well in school. AI allows a fair share of this knowledge for free, guaranteeing a transformation of digital literacy and general knowledge of the people after a while, if consistently used and engaged in actual life.
There should be a way of gathering these philosophical ideas by our leaders, whether formally or informally presented, as they are indicative of where we are going as a nation, and probably, the dangerous leaders we should not have. Nation-building is more than corporate management; having a philosophy unites the purpose and refines assignment of priorities for the good of all.
Corruption of the form, purpose and avenue of musical art and poetic artistry is a huge damage to the society as its richness and corrective character is marginalized, and many truths will be left unsaid. Music and poetry can convey messages without directly pointing out the intended recipient, in a way helping to ease the social distresses and communicate the shared feeling of the people.
With the ease of information systems today, the police force can organize police accompaniment of long distance buses. This is important because drivers have proved time without number that they cannot be trusted by the authorities and the general public.
Music is by nature and function representative. It is representative of the people who own it, and who cherish it, regardless of whether its taste meets the generic criteria of musical beauty and brilliance. It is high time we talk about the controversy and gross lyrical and visual taste of modern Bongo Fleva music.
Equivalent to the number of tourists who come into the country are risky occasions of tarnishing the reputation of all Tanzanians. This is because any tourist who happens to feel that he or she was not treated fairly can spread the word back home and many will be discouraged from visiting Tanzania.
The hopes of sustainability of every human society lie in the hands of its young people. The perfection of its innovation, sustenance of its creativity, and advancement of its prospects will survive in the future if the youth have access to the relevant know-how and are empowered to accomplish those purposes.
Quick action is needed to rescue those who grow up in the country but do not hold Tanzania dear. Many young people are proud of popular cultures or even other countries, languages, etc. because of the exposure they have had through films, music, the internet, etc.
Tanzanians in the Diaspora in Sweden under their umbrella organization which goes by the name Tanriks, convened in Gothenburg Sweden on March 11, 2023, to discuss key diaspora affairs as well as display Tanzanian culture, tourism, environment, and cuisine. Diasporas in other countries such as Australia, Denmark, France, Finland, Ghana, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Congo, Somalia, Uganda, and the United Kingdom attended as well.
The World Philosophy Day, which we commemorate every third Thursday of November, underscores the relevance of intellectual and thoughtful engagement among people and cultures. 2022 is the twentieth year since this commemoration was begun by The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). According to UNESCO, philosophy stimulates intercultural dialogue as it enables people to discover the diversity of the intellectual currents in the world.