Tanzanians in the Diaspora in Sweden under their umbrella organization which goes by the name Tanriks, convened in Gothenburg Sweden on March 11, 2023, to discuss key diaspora affairs as well as display Tanzanian culture, tourism, environment, and cuisine. Diasporas in other countries such as Australia, Denmark, France, Finland, Ghana, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Congo, Somalia, Uganda, and the United Kingdom attended as well.

The World Philosophy Day, which we commemorate every third Thursday of November, underscores the relevance of intellectual and thoughtful engagement among people and cultures. 2022 is the twentieth year since this commemoration was begun by The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). According to UNESCO, philosophy stimulates intercultural dialogue as it enables people to discover the diversity of the intellectual currents in the world.

The University of Dar es Salaam organized the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge to help students engage themselves creatively in seeking sustainable solutions to the societal and economic problems in society.