There should be a way of gathering these philosophical ideas by our leaders, whether formally or informally presented, as they are indicative of where we are going as a nation, and probably, the dangerous leaders we should not have. Nation-building is more than corporate management; having a philosophy unites the purpose and refines assignment of priorities for the good of all.
Shimbo Pastory Globally the world animal day is marked on October 4 each year as a social education initiative to…
Corruption of the form, purpose and avenue of musical art and poetic artistry is a huge damage to the society as its richness and corrective character is marginalized, and many truths will be left unsaid. Music and poetry can convey messages without directly pointing out the intended recipient, in a way helping to ease the social distresses and communicate the shared feeling of the people.
The political maturity of a nation is not only measured based on the eloquence of politicians, or their capacity to coerce by power, or by command, or threats; it is rather measured by the atmosphere prepared to allow for free and open expression of socio-economic and socio-political opinions without fear of being harmed by anyone.
This article was published in The Citizen Newspaper – Tanzania on July 30, 2024. Shimbo Pastory and Raymond Joel Beauty…
Youthfulness comes with the zeal for growth and progress; the enthusiasm of the youth can be harnessed and directed towards creating a more just and peaceful society. Moreover, the youth themselves are oftentimes the target of these acts of injustices.
Coming from “Africa” is not an excuse for being of poor quality or performing below the expected standards. We are not to feed the media and popular narrative of Africa as a broken place, full of corruption, barbarism and without any potential for growth and progress. Our society does not prepare our young people to be proofs of backwardness and public victims of their history as oppressed people.
There have been extreme cases of cruelty done to children by parents and guardians in the course of behavioural correction. Such extreme or repeated infliction of pain has a strong impact in the life of the young persons. While ‘spare the rod, spoil the child’ has survived to be an unwritten parenting principle, it is not the only thing that parents should offer to their children. Cruelty does not decrease resistance to change of behaviour. It has more potentiality to do the opposite, making it almost impossible to achieve the desired result.
While being young is not officially pronounced a crime, it is a criteria for numerous extreme judgments in society today. Contextualizing this discourse locally, there appears to be more negative things said about young people than the positives. If we do not challenge this mentality now, its roots will grow deeper.
If we adamantly remain stuck in the ways of the past, while adjustment will cause us no harm, our young people will always be overtaken by their global peer competitors.
As religious faith fills the gaps for realities beyond our understanding, especially in our part of the world where superstition is a constant trend, its influence on people’s feelings, emotions and dispositions for various actions towards people and concerns around us, cannot and should not be underestimated. There is a lot of misleading, brainwashing, and deception under the cover of religion, often at the detriment of innocent adherents and the wider society.