While being young is not officially pronounced a crime, it is a criteria for numerous extreme judgments in society today. Contextualizing this discourse locally, there appears to be more negative things said about young people than the positives. If we do not challenge this mentality now, its roots will grow deeper.
If we adamantly remain stuck in the ways of the past, while adjustment will cause us no harm, our young people will always be overtaken by their global peer competitors.

As religious faith fills the gaps for realities beyond our understanding, especially in our part of the world where superstition is a constant trend, its influence on people’s feelings, emotions and dispositions for various actions towards people and concerns around us, cannot and should not be underestimated. There is a lot of misleading, brainwashing, and deception under the cover of religion, often at the detriment of innocent adherents and the wider society.

The WHO data establish that globally, dogs are the main source of rabies transmission to humans. 95% of rabies deaths occur in the continents of Asia and Africa. People die in tens of thousands every year. According to the Rabies Control Report in Tanzania has resulted in over 1,500 deaths in the year 2021, and even higher figures in the past years.

Open spaces greatly enrich the lives of city dwellers, affording them some quiet, cool air, breathing space to relax and walk, and a good outdoor environment for children to play freely. Cities should not be full of structures, buildings, businesses and service facilities all over. Open spaces with trees and green hugely contribute to the lives of the people and the value of the environment and enable interaction with nature.

The target of literacy promotion initiatives is the actualization of the 4th Sustainable Development Goal, which is to “Ensure inclusive and equitable education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

When people are literate and rightly educated, the society is assured of its sustainability.
In its integral sense, when uncorrupted, education imparts the fundamental societal values of justice, dignity, mutual acceptance and inclusion which are indispensable for peaceful living.

Car-Free Days are days when people do not drive private vehicles to allow cities to be free of congestion and noise and to give people a chance to walk and cycle freely. It is an incentive to cut down emissions which negatively impact health and disrupt ecosystems and the biodiversity of the planet Earth. Rwanda is an examplary country in Africa in this regard.