The University of Dar es Salaam organized the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge to help students engage themselves creatively in seeking sustainable solutions to the societal and economic problems in society.
While an energetic African man or woman will display valour and zeal in approaching life, deep within is a history that paints a different picture altogether. Since I remember, the history I was taught at school is about slavery, everything is linked to the same reality.
Dutiful, diligent, dignified and genuine labour among the members of a society is a thing of pride which reflects in several societal philosophies.
According to experts, overwhelming feelings of loneliness, painful memories, traumatic experiences, negative life events, stresses and anxiety can result in self-harm.
Ambassador Jestas Abouk Nyamanga availed his time to discuss the various educational opportunities that the Belgian Government and the European Union avail for Tanzanians who are interested and meet the requirements as we bring them forth.
Tea is not a mere beverage; this is because it functionally connects with ethics, religion, and social order. When a child is taught well to manage “tea”, s/he will be able to manage and grow with morals and discipline as is desired by the society in which s/he is groomed.
Most causes of these societal stresses or what we call ‘stressors’ are historical, systemic or structural. By this we mean they have roots or/and link with the history of the people, or are out of customary norms.
Technology grows so fast that it confuses even the adult population. Yet, the adult guardians and parents are made to think it is safe for the kids. In the same, the possibilities that come with it are unpredictable.
Child upbringing needs to be done with positive expectations. Children performing poorly, or reasoning, acting, or behaving badly should be taken as a human situation and addressed appropriately.
It is common in many societies to find parents and guardians addressing their children with tags, names and metaphors that suggest depravity, incapability, deficiency and diminution. In this article, we examine the effects of these negative attributions, especially about animal characters.