There have been extreme cases of cruelty done to children by parents and guardians in the course of behavioural correction. Such extreme or repeated infliction of pain has a strong impact in the life of the young persons. While ‘spare the rod, spoil the child’ has survived to be an unwritten parenting principle, it is not the only thing that parents should offer to their children. Cruelty does not decrease resistance to change of behaviour. It has more potentiality to do the opposite, making it almost impossible to achieve the desired result.

Gratitude is one of the high-ranked values in human society. All traditions and religious beliefs converge in the acceptance that gratitude is invaluable and indispensable. Gratitude is one of the social values that have a special commemoration day. Globally, World Gratitude Day is celebrated on 21 September every year.

At many night parties, especially for weddings, birthdays, and others, children dance to entertain adults. This is not new, however, it has taken a different turn. In the past, it was more of a show choreography where children knew their place and delivered just as is appropriate for decent and respectful entertainment. However, the trouble now is that children are made to dance to indecent songs in indecent manners as they see on the internet and on TV.

Traditionally, parents and guardians have moral responsibilities to support, protect, provide for, and correct the children under their care, with the goal of helping them develop healthily into their adulthood. This ideal is still in place, though in practice it lingers delicately, as parenting generally becomes more and more lenient by the day.