Corruption of the form, purpose and avenue of musical art and poetic artistry is a huge damage to the society as its richness and corrective character is marginalized, and many truths will be left unsaid. Music and poetry can convey messages without directly pointing out the intended recipient, in a way helping to ease the social distresses and communicate the shared feeling of the people.
Author: admin
The political maturity of a nation is not only measured based on the eloquence of politicians, or their capacity to coerce by power, or by command, or threats; it is rather measured by the atmosphere prepared to allow for free and open expression of socio-economic and socio-political opinions without fear of being harmed by anyone.
This article was published in The Citizen Newspaper, Tanzania on Sept. 17th, 2024. Shimbo Pastory The idea of education being under control of state is not a recent germination. It has survived, at least in the recorded evolutions of philosophy, for a few millenniums now. A universally significant Greek philosopher, Plato, pondered and taught of this in his days (c. 428-348 BCE). For Plato, education is ‘a means of attaining individual and collective social justice.’ He posits that education should help advance in everyone: Knowledge of one’s job, of oneself, and of the Good. The fruit of attaining this knowledge,…
We need to not only avail books, but also to maximize the available technology for improving literacy and reading in our country. Inasmuch as a good cause is propagated from above, interested stakeholders can join hands to make the dream come true.
Mental health disorders is an umbrella term covering a variety of issues like: Depression, anxiety disorders, disruptive behaviour, dissocial disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders (behavioural and cognitive), eating disorders, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and others.
Based on the shared experiences of many people, it oftentimes defies sense and logic as people keenly count their money, only to find at these institutions that the money does not amount to the same.
This article was published in The Citizen Newspaper – Tanzania on July 30, 2024. Shimbo Pastory and Raymond Joel Beauty has been a human concern for generations of humanity’s existence. It is as old as humanity itself, and has played a major role for the human society, even in it’s diversity, in integration and societal living. Every culture has a few ‘universals’ – borrowing Aristotelian concept – with regards to beauty. Beauty is an indispensable component in discussing about anthropological existence of a people; as it permeates all spheres of life. Nonetheless, there is a big problem today, whereby many…
Youthfulness comes with the zeal for growth and progress; the enthusiasm of the youth can be harnessed and directed towards creating a more just and peaceful society. Moreover, the youth themselves are oftentimes the target of these acts of injustices.
Globally, women have higher life expectancy than men. That is to say, most men die earlier than their women counterparts.
It is also an undeniable fact that all over the world men tend to take up more difficult as well as dangerous tasks as compared to women. Many adjustments are needed in the overall approach to life on the part of men, especially in picturing oneself as healthy beyond now.
Coming from “Africa” is not an excuse for being of poor quality or performing below the expected standards. We are not to feed the media and popular narrative of Africa as a broken place, full of corruption, barbarism and without any potential for growth and progress. Our society does not prepare our young people to be proofs of backwardness and public victims of their history as oppressed people.